We create what we want, and we love it

I really love what I do, especially when it comes time for free form collaboration. I spend my time developing web sites, writing code and in a very creatively constricting production environment. So when I have to chance to concentrate on a more artistic venture I really look forward to it. Even the stressful parts.

I brought together Shannon and Jess again this round and was very pleased with what we came up with. Our original costume components didn’t arrive on time, so there was a lot of improvising. We even changed the entire make up scheme last minute. Sometimes sketches look good on paper, but don’t translate well when produced. So screw it, the benefit of these shoots is that we create what we want, and love it. Here is the result…

Model: Shannon Davis

Hair Stylist, Wardrobe & Make Up: Jess Parol

Creative Direction & Photography: Dan Hendrickson

Studio: Brokenreality Inc.


If you are interested in modeling for one of our shoots, please contact me here.

Thank you!
